Sorelle Health FAQ

Do you supply to health professionals?

We can provide health professionals with stock at a trade price. Please contact for more information

How long will my order take to arrive?

All orders received after 2pm on a Monday through to Friday for delivery will be
processed and sent out the following working day. We endeavour to send out all
orders placed before this deadline the same day. Under exceptional circumstances
orders may be carried over and sent the following day.
We do not process orders on Saturdays, Sundays or bank holidays. The courier will
inform you of your delivery via text message so please ensure you leave your mobile
number for this process.
All orders are subject to stock levels at the time of order.

What is the difference between Food State and non food state?

Food State refers to the form in which the supplement is created and are described as
‘food’ supplements because they are complete with other food nutrients that are
necessary for absorption.
Nutrients in food form are complete with other cofactors, such as carbohydrates,
amino acids, fats, enzymes and lipo-proteins, that allow the cells receptors to accept
the nutrient into the cell.
Non-food state supplements are created in an isolated form, synthetically produced,
without essential co-factors and are never found in this form in nature anywhere!

Can I take my Food State supplements with my medication?

Food State supplements do not have the same contra indications associated with some
of the standard supplements. This is because they are recognised by the body as food
and it is very rare that they interfere with medications.

Can I take Food State supplements if I am yeast intolerant?

Absolutely yes. Although we use nutritional yeast as our growing medium because it
is nutritionally complete, there is absolutely no yeast remaining in the finished

Can I overdose on supplements?

Food State form supplements can be taken without any concerns of toxicity or
overdosing and are very safe. This is because they are recognised as food nutrients
and our body absorbs what it needs and is able to eliminate excess.

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